30 top attractions in Turkey


Many people cannot even imagine Turkey without beaches, all inclusive and huge portions in hotels. And in vain! After all, how much beauty this ancient country can discover, the history of which was created by more than one powerful civilization. Turkey is a country that definitely has a soul and will be able to captivate even the most fastidious tourist.

One of the most popular tourist destinations in Turkey is Istanbul. It is full of attractions. In the old districts, there is the Grand Bazaar - a place where Turkish color is concentrated, Dolmabahce Palace and Topkapi Palace, Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia. When you visit these places, you realize that Turkey has something much more valuable than five-star hotels and resorts.

Everyone knows about the places described in the Iliad, but not everyone realizes that many of them are located in Turkey. You can touch the ancient and magical history in the ancient cities of the country, as well as in the region of Cappadocia.

And, of course, the beaches. In Turkey, they are for every taste. From sandy to covered with pebbles and stones, surrounded by ancient coves and fortress walls. Beach holidays in Turkey are synonymous with comfort and idleness, because tourism in the country is very well developed. But do not forget about the architectural and historical sights. They are worth it.

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What to see in Turkey?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a short description.

Istanbul city

Istanbul is located on two banks, on different continents and in different centuries. More than three thousand architectural and cultural monuments reflect the history of four empires, whose capital was Istanbul. The Bosphorus Strait divides it into two parts - Europe and Asia. Istanbul has absorbed the best from each of them. This is a city of fairy tales and grandeur, the silhouette of which is drawn not only by mosques and palaces, but also by skyscrapers, banks and shopping centers.

See → The main attractions of Istanbul

Bosporus strait

It is a 30 km long strait separating Europe and Asia Minor. Its maximum width is 3700 m, the minimum is 700. The strait was formed about 7.5 thousand years ago after a large amount of ice and snow melted. The Bosphorus is the heart of Istanbul, which gave life to the city and became its symbol. After taking a walk along the strait, you can admire the beautiful landscapes of the capital of Turkey.


In the very heart of Turkey, there is a unique region rich in history and sights. The first thing that surprises Cappadocia is its landscapes. Here you can see mushroom-shaped rocks and low mountains. There is also a real underground kingdom preserved here. The first Christians dug cave depressions here, creating cities underground. Their depth reached 85 meters, and up to 10 thousand people lived in them.


It is a world famous thermal spa. It was created by nature itself. In addition to the fact that the waters of Pamukkale are curative, the springs look like copied from the pages of a fairy tale. Due to the deposition of salts, they are like snow-white terraces. Vacationers bask in such salt pools. There is another interesting place near Pamukkale - the ruins of the ancient city of Hierapolis.

Dolmabahce Palace

The Dolmabahce Palace owes its appearance to the desire of Abdul-Majid I to be closer to European riches. This is the most "non-Turkish" residence of the Sultan in Istanbul. The palace was built from 1842 to 1853 in the Baroque style, spending 14 tons of gold alone. Dolmabahce consists of three parts with 285 rooms and 44 halls. Also on the territory of the complex there are lovely park pavilions and a summer palace.

Mount Ararat

Mount Ararat is located in the east of Turkey. According to biblical legends, Noah's ark once moored to it. Ararat consists of the cones of two volcanoes, merged at the bases: Big Ararat and Small Ararat. The height of the first is 5165 meters. This is the highest point in Turkey. On the slopes of the mountain there are many glacial caves, a national park, flowering valleys and picturesque meadows, as well as ancient monasteries.

Hagia Sophia in Istanbul

This cathedral is a symbol of the "golden age" of Byzantium, the best example of Byzantine architecture. The history of the cathedral begins in the 4th century. For over a thousand years, the cathedral has been the largest Christian church. Its height is 55.6 m, and the diameter of the dome is 31 m. An amount equal to two annual budgets of Byzantium was spent on the construction of a luxurious cathedral.

Blue Mosque in Istanbul

The mosque stands on the shores of the Sea of ​​Marmara. This is a symbol of the city that has no analogues in the world. The first thing that distinguishes the Blue Mosque from others is six, not four minarets. According to legend, this is due to the mistake of the architect, who poorly heard the instructions of the Sultan. The mosque was built from 1609 to 1616 using marble, stone and ceramics. The construction turned out to be majestic, causing delight and awe.

Topkapi Palace

The palace was built in 1479 at the direction of Sultan Mehmed. Its area is 700 thousand square meters, it is surrounded by a wall 1400 meters long. Topkapi Palace has witnessed the life and rule of 25 sultans. It was within its walls that the love story of Alexandra Anastasia Lisowska, who became the wife of the Sultan, and Suleiman the Magnificent, developed. In the series "The Magnificent Age", events take place in the luxurious Topkapi Palace.

Galata Tower

This is one of the oldest landmarks in Istanbul. Back in the 5th century, there was a tower in this area. The building that has survived to this day was built by the Genoese in 1348-1349 on a hill. The height of the building is 61 meters, and due to its location on a hill, it is visible from almost anywhere in the city. At the top of the tower there is an observation deck with amazing views.

Maiden's Tower

The Maiden Tower is located on a small rocky island of the Bosphorus Strait. Its history begins centuries earlier than our era, it is shrouded in legends and romantic stories. Today it is very popular with tourists, it has a restaurant, museum, souvenir shop, observation deck, cafe and bar. The tower was depicted in the painting "View of the Leander Tower in Constantinople" by Aivazovsky.

Grand Bazaar in Istanbul

One of the world's largest covered bazaars is located in the historical center of Istanbul. The Grand Bazaar was built back in 1461, and it became the soul of the city. The bazaar occupies several blocks, 61 streets are intertwined inside it, there are 4400 shops, more than 2000 ateliers, 18 fountains, mosques and even a school. You can buy everything here, including handmade carpets, gold, silver, amulets and spices.

Basilica Cistern

This is an underground reservoir built by the Greeks in the 4th century. At first glance, it resembles a palace, because it consists of 336 nine-meter columns, differing in appearance. They were brought from ancient temples. The Basilica cistern held 100 thousand tons of water. The walls of the cistern were fireproof and covered with a waterproofing solution. The Basilica was used for its intended purpose until the 16th century.

Ancient city of Ephesus

Ephesus is a huge open-air museum. The history of the city began in the 5th century BC, and in the 15th it was destroyed. Archaeologists have restored it and prepared it for tourists. The main attraction of Ephesus is the Temple of Artemis - one of the seven wonders of the world. You can explore the city by entering from the upper or lower entrance, but it is more convenient to walk along the road leading from top to bottom.

The ancient city of Side

It is the main archaeological area of ​​Turkey and also one of the most popular resorts. It is located on a peninsula 75 km from Antalya. On the territory of the ancient city, walls have been preserved, there are dilapidated columns, public baths, and a museum is located in them. Further, you can see the ruins of the temple of Dionysus, Tyche and Fortuna, a huge theater where gladiator fights were held.

Phaselis ancient city

At 60 km from Antalya, at the foot of the Tahtali mountain described by Homer in the Iliad, there are the ruins of the ancient city of Phaselis. It was founded in the 7th century BC. colonists from Rhodes. Tourists can see in the city the ruins of an aqueduct that supplied water to the entire city, an ancient wall, a theater, temples and a necropolis. They say that it was here that Alexander the Great was buried.

Ancient city of Troy

The city is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia. It is included in the UNESCO heritage list. But he is already very popular without it. Everyone has heard about Troy, but not everyone knows what the legendary city looks like from the pages of the Iliad. At the entrance to the city there is a copy of the Trojan horse, there is also a museum, a garden and the ruins of buildings, houses, temples.

Fortress in Alanya

The fortress was built in the XIII century in the south of Turkey. It is located on a rocky peninsula 250 meters high. The total length of the massive walls surrounding the buildings is 8 km. The fortress had 160 towers and more than 400 underground reservoirs. On the territory of the fortress there was a mint, a bathhouse, a mosque, a winter palace, places for trade, a church, and a site for military exercises. Now there is a museum in the fortress.

Kyzyl Kule Tower (Red Tower)

This tower is the symbol of Alanya. It was built in 1226 by order of Aladdin Keykubat. The tower got its name because of the red color of the brick from which it is made. Although outwardly the building looks laconic, everything is very intricately built inside. The five floors of the tower could accommodate up to 2 thousand soldiers, and the light that comes from the top of the tower reaches the first floor.

Mount Nemrut-Dag

The height of the mountain is 2150 meters, but the rise does not scare anyone. A rather unusual attraction is located here. In 62 BC. e., the king of Commagene Antiochus I Theos built a tomb for himself on the top of the mountain. Its center was a mound almost 50 meters high and 150 meters wide. Under it is the tomb of the king, around - statues, which tourists come to see.

Lycian tombs

Lycia is an ancient country in the modern provinces of Mugla and Antalya. The Lycians inhabited it in the 1st millennium BC. Of all the cultural heritage of this people, the tombs are the best preserved. On the territory of Lycia, more than 1000 of them were found, carved into the rocks or on the tops of the mountains. Some tombs had two rooms, were decorated with columns, and some were huge in size.

Arched gate in Side

The arched gate at Side is the main entrance to the once thriving city and the most important port of Pamphylia. They were built in 71 BC. in honor of the Emperor Vespasian and his son. The height of the gate is over 6 meters. And although the appearance has changed more than once over the time, their walls have been preserved as they were. On the sides of the gate there are statues of famous and respected people.

Green Canyon (Green Canyon)

It is the largest canyon reservoir in Turkey. It is located in the Taurus Mountains, 350 meters above sea level. The site owes its appearance to the construction of a hydroelectric power plant. 27 natural springs continuously feed the reservoir with a depth of 100 meters. The canyon is cool and very beautiful. This is one of the best excursion destinations in Antalya.

Monastery of Panagia Sumela

It is believed that the monastery was founded by the monk Barnabas at the end of the 4th century. It is located on the chalk cliff of Trabzon. After its foundation, until 1923, the icon of the Virgin Panagia Sumela was kept in the monastery, which, according to legend, was written by the Apostle Luke. This is a popular pilgrimage site, hundreds of thousands of tourists come to the monastery every year. In addition, it is located in an incredibly picturesque place.

Damlatash cave

In the center of Alanya there is a beautiful Damlatas salt cave. It is very easy to get to it on your own. The cave is famous for its healing properties; staying in it is very useful for people with asthma. Inside it, nature has formed bizarre figures and landscapes from multi-colored stalactites. There is a special route for tourists in the cave.

Cleopatra's pool

The pool is located in Pamukkale, a place famous for its thermal waters. They say that it was in it that the queen took a bath to be beautiful and look young. The water reservoir maintains a constant temperature of 35 ° C, the water is healing and not only mineral, but also carbonated! It's like swimming in champagne. Stay in the water is limited to 2 hours.

Dalyan - turtle island

Dalyan is a resort town with a comfortable and pleasant climate. Turtles are among its main attractions. Dalyan is the world's second home to the endangered Caretta Mediterranean turtles. Here they lay their eggs, and tourists can lie on the beach, sunbathe and watch the birth of little turtles.

Princes' islands

It is a group of nine islands. They are located near the coast of Istanbul in the Sea of ​​Marmara. They got their name because of the reference to them during the Byzantine Empire of princes and people close to the emperors. One-day tours to the islands, which depart daily from Istanbul, are popular with tourists.

Manavgat waterfall

This is a waterfall on the Manavgat River in Antalya province. On its shores back in the 6th century BC. settlements were formed. Although the waterfall itself is not high, it is very picturesque. On it you can take a break from the heat, sit in a shady restaurant, swim in cool and refreshing water. On Mondays, there is a bazaar in Manavgat where you can buy delicious fruits and spices.

Duden waterfall

The cascade of waterfalls, formed by the Duden River, is located in Antalya and consists of two parts. A seething, powerful stream of cool water from the upper waterfall falls from a 20-meter-high mountain and creates an incredible picture. The water is divided into several streams, making it even more beautiful. A beautiful coniferous forest grows around it. The height of the lower Duden waterfall is 40 meters. Its waters fall into the sea.


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