Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - white "ship" over the Oka


Address: Russia, Kasimov, Sovetskaya st., 13 a
Build date: 1740 year
Coordinates: 54 ° 56'10.4 "N 41 ° 23'18.5" E


Kasimov's Cathedral Square from the south is closed by an old temple. The beautiful church fits perfectly into the architectural ensemble of the historical center of the city and is one of the adornments of the "Golden Ring" of Russia. The Annunciation Church and its tent-roofed bell tower look especially good from the green valley of the Oka.

General view of the Annunciation Church

Temple history

According to old books, the first church on this site appeared at the beginning of the 17th century. Then it was made of wood and stood at the entrance to the city from the side of the river. Everyone who sailed to Kasimov along the Oka first saw a small Annunciation Church.

The church that has survived to this day was built in 1740 at the expense of the residents of Kasimov and thanks to the efforts of the local priest Fedor. Initially, it had one side-chapel dedicated to the Apostle John the Theologian. In 1784, another Vvedensky side-chapel was completed in the temple. At the same time, two stone cells appeared here, where, like in an almshouse, elderly believers were supposed to live. However, priests were settled in the cells, who at that time did not have their own home.

During the urban planning reforms carried out in Kasimov at the end of the 18th century, they wanted to dismantle the church into bricks and put it in another place - on the city's new Khlebnaya Square. Parishioners under the leadership of the respected Kasimov merchant Prokhor Maksimovich Kartashov wrote a petition to the church authorities. 140 people signed it, and the authorities of the diocese decided to satisfy the request of the townspeople. The old temple was not touched, and the new construction was stopped. In 1888, a stone chapel appeared on Khlebnaya Square.

View of the church from the side of the shopping arcade

In the 60s of the XIX century, the old church underwent a large-scale reconstruction. New chapels, a bell tower and a porch were added to it. It is noteworthy that all the work was carried out exclusively with the money of the parish community, which speaks of the great love of the city residents for their church.

With the advent of the new government, most of the Orthodox churches in the Ryazan province were closed, and some were completely destroyed. The miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God from the Annunciation Church was transferred to the local museum, but its traces were soon lost. The church was used as a warehouse, was empty, and in 1939 it was finally closed.

For a long time, the temple was left without proper care. The building was badly dilapidated, and ancient frescoes written on biblical themes were lost. The temple was returned to the believers in 1994.

Architectural features and interiors

The Kasimov Church stands behind the Trade Rows and does not immediately attract the attention of tourists who find themselves on the Cathedral Square of the city. It was built according to the traditional design for Russian churches - a "ship".

View of the church from the street. Ryazan descent

The temple complex consists of a two-story quadrangle and one-story side-chapels with neat domes. They are adjoined by a slender hipped-roof bell tower built in the pseudo-Russian style. The central chapter is decorated with a very beautiful forged cross made by the Kasimov blacksmiths.

In the refectory there are two iconostases: on the left - red, and on the right - green. Wood carvings are visible at the Royal Gate. The central iconostasis is blue and richly decorated. All three iconostases are made of plaster cast. Ceiling frescoes have not been fully restored. However, even from the surviving fragments of the murals, one can see how richly the temple was decorated.

State of the art

Today the Church of the Annunciation is active. Five thrones are consecrated in it. The temple has been restored, and there is a Sunday school for parishioners' children. For believers and tourists, the doors of the church are open daily from 8.00 to 18.00.

View of the church from the north

How to get there

The Annunciation Church stands not far from the banks of the Oka River, on the south side of Cathedral Square. It takes 6 hours to get from Moscow to Kasimov by regular bus, and it is easy to walk from the city bus station to the church in 20 minutes.

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