Yaroslavl museums


Museum collections housed in city mansions and temples can tell a lot about the past of ancient Yaroslavl. There are more than a dozen museums with branches in the city. They contain rich ethnographic expositions, rare archaeological finds, unique archival materials, rare icons and canvases of talented artists.

Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve

This museum is considered the main museum collection of the city, the first expositions of which were created back in 1865. The main museum halls are located in the premises of the ancient Transfiguration monastery. Of particular interest here are materials dedicated to the monument of Russian literature and history - "The Lay of Igor's Host". In addition, the museum-reserve contains valuable utensils for worship, ancient icons and ancient fabrics. It has the richest funds - over 350 thousand unique items!

In addition to the main territory, the museum-reserve has several branches: in the village of Nikulskoye there is a museum dedicated to the pilot-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the Museum of Military Glory on Uglichskaya Street, the memorial collection of the famous Russian singer Leonid Vitalievich Sobinov, as well as five ancient Yaroslavl temples.


The Museum-Reserve accepts guests from 9.00 to 18.00 (October - April) and from 8.00 to 20.00 (May - September). Museum rooms - from 10.00 to 17.30, except Mondays.


Epiphany Square, 25.

Museum of the history of Yaroslavl

The museum exposition was opened in the mid-1980s. It is housed in several rooms and presents the history of the Yaroslavl lands in chronology. The mansion, where the historical collection is kept, was built on the steep bank of the Volga in the 90s of the XIX century at the expense of a wealthy merchant V. Ya. Kuznetsov. Here you can learn about the famous residents of the city and the outstanding achievements of urban medicine. The exposition includes a model of a Russian medicine man's hut and offices of modern doctors. In addition to the main building, the museum has two branches - the memorial collection of the Belarusian poet M. A. Bogdanovich on the street. Tchaikovsky, as well as an exhibition hall named after Nikolai Nuzhnin, on the street. Freedom. It exhibits works by jewelers, arts and crafts, canvases by graphic artists and masters of the brush.


From 10.00 to 18.00. The day off is Tuesday.


Volzhskaya embankment, 17/1.

Yaroslavl Art Museum

The museum collection is especially proud of the collection of works by the outstanding painter Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin, created by the master during his life in Paris. The section of Old Russian art contains unique icons painted by the famous Russian iconographers Guriy Nikitin, Fyodor Zubov and Semyon Kholmogorets. Connoisseurs of beauty will be surprised by the rich displays of glass and ceramics, sculpture and arts and crafts. There is even a numismatics section in this museum, where items of numismatic art by Russian and Western European masters from the second half of the 18th century are carefully kept - real treasures!


From 10.00 to 17.30, except Monday at 23 Volzhskaya embankment and Friday at 1 Volzhskaya embankment.


Volzhskaya embankment, 1 and 23.

Museum "Music and Time"

One of the first private collections of the post-Soviet period opened its doors to visitors back in 1993. The owner of the museum was John G. Mostoslavsky, a talented illusionist who was fond of collecting unusual things all his life. In the museum, you can hear the sounds of rare musical instruments - an organ from Germany, a harmonium from the USA, a piano from France, a street organ and a variety of music boxes.

Gramophones and gramophones, from which the voices of the once famous singers and politicians sound, luxurious collections of irons and watches - which is not there! An exposition of bells and bells, exhibited in the very center of the museum, leaves a vivid impression. Botalo for cows, table bells for servants, bells used by coachmen. The amazing world of Russian antiquity!


The museum exposition is open from 10.00 to 18.00 (May - September). From October to April until 5 pm, except Mondays.


Volzhskaya embankment, 33A.

Museum "My Favorite Bear"

It is known that the bear is the symbol of Yaroslavl. His image is on the coat of arms and flag of the ancient city. On the last Sunday of March, Yaroslavl celebrates an unusual celebration - the Day of the Bear. In 2009, a sculpture of a bear adorned the square opposite the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery. A little later, a sculpture of a bear, made by the famous artist Zurab Tsereteli, appeared in the park of the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl on the Korotosl embankment. Therefore, it is not surprising that the bear museum in the city is very popular.

The private collection was first shown to visitors in 2003. Here are collected toy bears, as well as animal figurines made of glass, stone, porcelain, non-ferrous metal and wood.


On weekdays from 11.00 to 19.00, on Sundays - until 17.00, except Monday and Tuesday.


Sovetskaya Street, 8.

Firefighting Museum

This museum will be interesting for guests of Yaroslavl for several reasons. Here is a diorama of the devastating fire that happened in the city in 1658. The flame then affected almost all Yaroslavl buildings, completely destroying three monastic cloisters and 29 churches. The consequences of this fire became the reason for the reconstruction of the most famous architectural monuments of the city. Interesting exhibits of the museum also tell about the participation of the famous Russian writer Vladimir Alexandrovich Gilyarovsky in extinguishing fires and about the difficult service of firefighters in the wartime of 1941-1945.


On weekdays from 8.00 to 17.00, by appointment. Days off - Saturday and Sunday.


Silikatnaya Street, 18. In the building of the fire station, not far from the new bus station.

Residence of the Empress of the Main Maslenitsa of Russia

An interactive museum dedicated to the beloved in Russia holiday of Maslenitsa did not appear in Yaroslavl by accident. After all, this city is considered the unofficial capital of the "Golden Ring" of Russia. The annual Maslenitsa week is widely celebrated here - with festivities, performances by folk groups, dance and song contests.

The Maslenitsa residence became a part of the chopped city recreated according to drawings and newsreels of 1913, which was made in the center of Yaroslavl for the arrival of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II. During the excursion, you can visit the Throne Room, play funny folk games and even taste treats prepared in the tradition of Russian cuisine in a wood-burning stove.


Daily from 11.00 to 19.00, except Tuesday.


Revolutionary passage, 14A.

Central Exhibition Hall

Spacious exhibition space - about 500 sq. m belong to the city union of artists. Here you can see the best works of Yaroslavl sculptors, graphic artists and brush masters, buy original souvenirs with local symbols, as well as original works of arts and crafts. In addition, the exhibition hall displays and sells unique enamel products - the real pride of Yaroslavl jewelers.


Daily from 10.00 to 18.00, except Mondays.


Maximova Street, 15.

Literary Memorial Museum of N.A. Nekrasov

The old estate of Karabikha is located very close to Yaroslavl - only 15 km. Its buildings are surrounded by parks and a system of cascading ponds. Walking here is especially good during the warm season. The architectural complex is represented by two outbuildings of the manor house and outbuildings. Before N.A. Nekrasov Karabikha was owned by the princes Golitsyn.The poet spent 10 summer seasons at the estate and wrote many poems and poems. It is very interesting to visit Karabikha on the first Saturday of July, when a bright holiday dedicated to the soulful poetry of Nekrasov is held in the estate.


From 10.00 to 18.00, except Monday and the last Wednesday of the month.


Yaroslavl region, with. Karabikha.

Aleshino Compound

This museum, which is located in the historical center of Yaroslavl, is often called a museum-theater, because the excursions here are more like theater performances and are designed primarily for children. Inside the courtyard, "fabulous" interiors are decorated, and visitors are greeted by the heroes of the epic epic about Alyosha Popovich. The guests of the courtyard will get acquainted with age-old folk traditions, Russian folklore and the warmth of provincial foundations. Children will learn about the heroes, receive gifts and delicious treats. And for young couples in Alyosha Compound, an engagement ceremony and unusual wedding ceremonies are held.


Performances are held every half hour, daily from 10.00 to 18.00 (break from 13.00 to 14.00). Monday is a day off.


Pervomayskaya Street, 55.

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