Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris) in Paris - the greatest Catholic cathedral in the world


Address: France, Paris, 4th arrondissement, Ile de la Cité
Start of construction: 1163 year
Completion of construction: 1345 year
Architects: Jean de Chelles, Pierre de Montreuil
The height of the towers (bell towers): 69 m.
Main attractions: A crown of thorns, a nail (with which Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross), and part of the cross itself, the bell of the cathedral, a large organ
Coordinates: 48 ° 51'10.7 "N 2 ° 21'00.6" E


Short description

Starting the material about the legendary Notre-Dame de Paris, I would like to immediately note that it will not be possible to describe the history, legends, features of the architecture of the world's greatest Catholic church in a nutshell. It would be more correct to say that even a short story about this amazing place will take a lot of time.

Almost all French guides who conduct excursions in Paris often say that while they tell the story of Notre Dame Cathedral and introduce tourists to its architecture, interior decoration and priceless treasures, they do not leave the feeling that they are in an incredible place. strength. In the cathedral, near which you can see huge crowds almost at any time of the day, everything is really saturated with an atmosphere of mysticism and mystery.

Notre Dame Cathedral (Notre Dame de Paris)

Probably for this very reason every year almost 14 (!) million people come to see the legendary Notre Dame Cathedral... This number is simply staggering, it is unlikely that on our planet you can find another such cult place that, like a magnet, would attract so many people to itself every year. Even the splendor of the Palace of Versailles and the luxury of the Loire castles pale before the popularity of Notre Dame de Paris, about which a lot of novels, popular science articles and hundreds of documentaries have been shot.

Even in ancient times, there was a proverb that said that all roads lead to Rome without exception, but not a single Frenchman would agree with it. The point is that France is a country where all roads lead to Notre Dame Cathedral without exception. Moreover, since the 18th century in this country it is customary to calculate the distance to any city not from the borders of the capital, but from its “heart”. Naturally, the heart of Paris is perhaps the most magnificent cathedral in the world, Notre Dame de Paris. By the way, according to the results of archaeological research, the place where Notre Dame Cathedral was built was considered sacred since the time of the appearance of the first human settlements here.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral from the river. Hay

Of course, in one material it will not be possible to tell about all the most interesting finds, but the fact that the first Christian church previously stood on the territory of the modern temple, and before it a sanctuary dedicated to the pagan god Jupiter is a fact that deserves attention. This ancient history, inextricably linked with the place where Notre Dame Cathedral now rises, says only one thing, that the center of Paris is really a place where a person's connection with higher powers is carried out.

Many travelers who have come to Paris to see firsthand its huge number of attractions and the greatest monuments of history and architecture, being near its "heart", always experience the strongest excitement.

It is also interesting that the feeling of reverence for the higher powers is experienced by Notre-Dame de Paris, without exception, people, regardless of their religion. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the lucky ones who managed to visit a capitalist country "drowning in luxury" first of all aspired not to the Eiffel Tower, but to Notre Dame Cathedral, with which they were "familiar" only from the stories of Victor Hugo.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral from the O Dubl bridge

Notre Dame Cathedral - the history of the construction of a magnificent Gothic temple

Alas, at the moment, no documentary evidence has been found about who solemnly laid the first stone in the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral... One part of the historians claims that it was Pope Alexander III, while the other part is sure that the solemn part associated with the beginning of the construction of the magnificent cathedral was held with the participation of the Parisian Bishop Maurice de Sully. There are documents shedding light on the fact that it was thanks to Maurice de Sully that King Louis VII of France ordered the construction of the most magnificent Catholic church not only in France, but also in the entire Old World, to begin in 1163. However, the evidence of which of the clergy laid the "first stone", alas, is most likely irretrievably lost. This fact, at first glance, does not really matter, but only at first glance ... The point is that in those distant times, when the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral began, a priest had to open the construction of a Catholic church. And a huge number of issues related to the temple would be resolved if it was possible to find out for certain who laid the very “first stone” in the cathedral.

Be that as it may, already 19 years after the start of the construction of the cathedral, its altar was consecrated: this event happened in the spring of 1182. In 1196, according to historical documents, the builders managed to fully complete the nave of Notre Dame Cathedral. Already in 1250, the construction of the majestic Catholic church was almost completely completed: all that remained was to finish the finishing work and decorate the interior.

View of the square Jean XXIII behind Notre Dame Cathedral

True, it was only possible to "surrender" the cathedral in full only in 1345. If we speak in dry “statistical language”, the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral lasted exactly 182 years. This period may seem long to someone, but for those times it was a majestic structure, the construction of which was completed, as modern architects would say, in record time. One has only to compare the construction period of Notre-Dame de Paris and the construction period of the legendary Cologne Cathedral, which, by the way, does not cease to upset and decorate even today.

Speaking about the history of the construction of Notre Dame Cathedral, it is impossible not to mention the names of two brilliant architects, thanks to whom appeared, without exaggeration, an architectural wonder of the world. The main architects who developed the plan for the "heart" of Paris are Jean from Chelle and Pierre from Montreuil. In fairness, it should be noted that many other architects have worked on the cathedral, which is now visited by thousands of tourists every day. However, the names of most of them were forgotten and only two of them went down in history: Pierre from Montreuil and Jean from Chelle.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral at night from the river. Hay

Legends of Notre Dame Cathedral

A huge number of legends and myths are associated with Notre Dame Cathedral, many of which still do not allow scientists and specialists in the study of the paranormal to sleep.... One of these legends is associated with the gates of Notre Dame de Paris. In numerous ancient documents that have survived to this day, it is said that Notre Dame Cathedral, like Cologne Cathedral, was built with the help of ..., no, not God, as some thought, but the devil. A talented blacksmith by the name of Biscorne (by the way, a very real person, not a fictional one) received an order for a gate that would decorate the entrance to the majestic temple of Paris. The blacksmith spent a long time thinking about how they should look and how to forge them.Alas, even possessing a great talent, he could not think of anything and turned to Satan for help.

The caretaker of the cathedral one morning came to the temple and saw a blacksmith, who was lying on the ground unconscious. A beautiful gate with intricate patterns lay right next to his body. Naturally, these were the gates that fully corresponded to the significance and grandeur of the cathedral. They were immediately installed and the locks were cut in, and then an unforeseen incident happened: it was impossible to open them! What the masters did not do, the locks did not give in. It was possible to open the gates of Notre Dame Cathedral only after their castles were sprayed with holy water. An interesting fact is that even modern scientists have not been able to reveal the secret of making these miraculous gates and the appearance of patterns on them. It was impossible to make them neither by casting nor forging…. Biscorne never told how this miracle came about: some argue that he did not want to confess to a conspiracy with the devil, and experts say that the blacksmith simply did not want to reveal a unique secret.

View of the north and south towers of the cathedral

Another mystery is associated with the numerous sculptures and the interior of Notre Dame Cathedral. It is rather difficult to explain the presence of terrifying gargoyles and chimeras on its roof, even if we take into account the facts that the cathedral was built in the Neo-Gothic and Romanesque styles, and the statues were installed there already during the reconstruction after the French Revolution. In the interior frescoes, you can read and, most importantly, understand (!) The entire Bible. Scenes from the life of Christ and his execution are made so realistically that even an ardent atheist, having seen all these works of art, will certainly begin to doubt his views on the existence of higher powers. By the way, many people who study the occult believe that the ancient teachings are encrypted in the frescoes and sculptures of Notre Dame de Paris, you just need to understand its code and then you can gain power over the world. There is also a legend that the architects who made the plan for Notre Dame Cathedral were helped by alchemists, who encrypted the formula of the philosopher's stone in it. Anyone who manages to read it among the numerous stucco moldings and sculptures will be able to transform any substance into precious metals.

Notre Dame Cathedral - a tricky story

In Notre Dame de Paris, great emperors were solemnly crowned, it was in this temple that kings and queens concluded their alliances before God. Crusaders who went to war for the true God received blessings in this cathedral. The richest people in Paris considered this place the most reliable storehouse for valuables and deposited their untold treasures in the cathedral.

View of the main facade of the building on which the main stained-glass rose window above the entrance to the cathedral, the Gallery of Kings and the statue of the Virgin Mary with a child and angels are located

It was in this temple that Napoleon Bonaparte put the crown of the new French Empire on his head. It would be unfair to say that one of the most magnificent Catholic churches was designed only for visiting the crowned heads or the most influential people in France. Not, great attention in Notre Dame Cathedral was paid to the beggars, who were always glad to provide all possible help here.

Despite the fact that the "heart" of Paris was considered in Europe one of the main strongholds of the Christian faith, it, like many sights of the great country, suffered during the French Revolution. The Parisians, inspired by the speeches of the revolutionaries and, as if distraught, burst into Notre Dame de Paris and caused irreparable damage to many statues. The townspeople also reached the treasury, which they almost completely plundered. Moreover, the revolutionaries decided to blow up Notre Dame Cathedral. ... Here, as many popes often mention, higher powers intervened: the rebels suddenly ran out of gunpowder. The revolutionaries were confused and decided not to blow up the cathedral, but to adapt it as a warehouse, where they began to store supplies of food.

The central entrance to the cathedral above which there is a sculptural panel of the Last Judgment

The Savior of Notre Dame de Paris is considered to be Victor Hugo, whose ashes rest in the French Pantheon. It was he who, in his first novel, called on all French people, despite their political views, to treat with love and sincere respect the monuments of architecture, history and sights for which beautiful France is famous all over the world.

Notre Dame Cathedral - one of the greatest temples in the world

As mentioned above, about 14 million people come to the cathedral every year. Its popularity is due not only to its unique architecture and truly luxurious interior decoration. Notre Dame Cathedral is also a place where millions of Catholics make pilgrimages. The thing is that the temple, 35 meters high and 130 meters wide, houses some of the main Christian shrines. By the way, the bell towers of the temple are much higher than itself, their height is 69 meters. In Notre Dame de Paris there is a nail with which the Savior of all mankind was nailed to the cross, and part of the cross itself. In addition, in Notre Dame Cathedral, all believers can see and worship the crown of thorns, in which Jesus Christ ascended to the place of his execution. By the way, the crown of thorns was purchased for a huge amount by the king of France from the Roman emperor back in 1238. As it becomes clear from the history of the cathedral, described above, one of the main shrines came to France even before the construction of the "heart" of Paris was completed.

Statues on the central portal of the cathedral

Throughout the history of its existence, the cathedral's treasury has been constantly replenished with various gifts, among which you can find unique exhibits dating back to the beginning of our era, and which are simply impossible to evaluate in monetary terms. Many of these gifts are not only of historical value, they are shrines, which are worshiped by millions of pilgrims.

Many tourists who first come to Notre Dame Cathedral are surprised that there is not a single mural on the walls of all three tiers of the temple. True, the walls do not seem gloomy from this: the sunlight penetrating through the huge windows, decorated with beautiful stained-glass windows made by great masters, depicting biblical scenes, makes the room light and, one might even say, fantastic. Some of the stained glass windows of Notre Dame de Paris are up to thirteen meters in diameter, they fully fit the "story" in the paintings about the birth, life and execution of Jesus Christ.

Gallery of the kings on the main facade of the building

The bells of the cathedral deserve special attention. By the way, each bell of Notre Dame Cathedral has its own name. The largest bell of the Catholic Church is named after Emmanuel, its weight reaches 13 (!) tons, and the tongue weighs just over half a tone. The oldest of all bells is called Belle (yes, like a character from a well-known novel), it was cast back in 1631. The Emmanuelle bell is rung only on the most significant Catholic holidays, but the rest of the bells are announced in Paris at 8 am and 7 pm. All of these bells also miraculously escaped melting down during the mob violence during the French Revolution.

If a visitor to the cathedral decides to enter it through the main entrance (there are three of them in total), then he will see a realistic image of the Last Judgment.

Two angels with trumpets awakened the dead all over our planet: the king, symbolizing power, the Pope, symbolizing the clergy, and warriors with a woman rose from the graves, showing that during the Last Judgment all mankind will wake up from eternal sleep.

View of the eastern facade of the building

Today, Notre Dame Cathedral is an active Catholic church that is part of the Parisian archbishopric.Divine services are constantly held in it, but in order to get to them, you should come to the temple as early as possible: its capacity does not exceed 9,000 people. By the way, services in Notre-Dame de Paris are held with the use of ultra-modern technologies: with the help of special effects, prayers are projected onto a huge screen in two languages: English and, of course, French. Believers can raise their prayers to God to the sounds of the largest organ in all of France. Moreover, the organ of Notre Dame Cathedral contains the largest number of registers in the world: today there are 111 of them!

The entrance to Notre Dame Cathedral is free, but guided visits are only allowed on certain days and times: Wednesday and Thursday at 2 pm, and Saturday at 2:30 pm. In addition, anyone can climb one of the towers, from which an amazing and unforgettable view of Paris will open. True, climbing 387 steps to the tower will cost 8 euros, and children and adolescents under 18 will be able to climb the top of Notre Dame de Paris for free.

Fire of Notre Dame Cathedral on April 15, 2019

It is also interesting that the celebration of the significant date of the 850th anniversary of the cathedral began on December 12, 2012. The festive events will last almost a whole year: they are scheduled to end on November 24, 2013. For the Notre Dame Cathedral in honor of its anniversary, nine new bells were cast in the workshops at once, which will join Emmanuel and Belle. In addition, the printing houses have already launched the printing of a special brochure for pilgrims, which will describe in detail the history of Notre Dame de Paris, its legends and secrets.

Notre Dame Cathedral - April 2019 fire

On the evening of April 15, 2019, a terrible tragedy occurred. A fire started in the attic of the famous temple, and the upper part of the building was engulfed in flames. The fire quickly destroyed the old wooden roof. The 96 m high Gothic spire slanted and collapsed.

Burning spire of Notre Dame Cathedral

The police hastily evacuated all people from the Isle of Cite. Many Parisians and tourists watched the catastrophic fire. Huge clouds of smoke and flames were filmed on photos and videos. The believers got down on their knees and prayed. At this time, the calculations of 400 Parisian firefighters were fighting the fire. The fire was finally extinguished only the next morning.

The consequences of the fire were dire. The wooden roof frame, made in the 12th-13th centuries from 1,300 first-class oak trees, was completely burned down. The heat melted the lead sheets on the roof. Fortunately, the collapsed wooden spire did not damage the stone vault of the cathedral, and the nave remained intact. Both towers of the cathedral also remained intact.

The sacristy of the church, which kept priceless Christian relics, suffered significant damage. The crown of thorns of Jesus Christ was saved. Part of the interior and two-thirds of the roof were damaged. However, the old organ, medieval stained glass rosettes remained intact.

View of Notre Dame Cathedral after the fire on April 15, 2019

French President Emmanuel Macron visited the cathedral. He stated that the cultural and historical symbol of the country will definitely be restored. A fundraising campaign was announced for the renovation of Notre Dame de Paris. By midday on April 16, 2019, the Notre Dame Cathedral Restoration Fund had received more than € 300 million in donations and continues to flow.

Attraction rating

Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on the map

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