Bali Barat Park - a journey to paradise between demon and god


Between the ocean and the sky, as the island of Bali is called. The demon hid among a huge number of extinct and active volcanoes of the island, in the depths of the ocean. God, who lives in the sky, like an extraordinary sun with the rays of his delightful sunsets, sunrises, protects this unusually beautiful, lost in the waves, pristine world. Every year tourists from all over the planet come to touch the special life of the island. Everyone here finds for himself the best option for rest and travel. Among the many proposals for nature lovers, there is the opportunity to explore Bali Barat Park.


In the protected area of ​​the northwestern part of the island in 1941, a protected area was legally organized, called the Bali Barat National Park. This was done to preserve 200 rare species of animals, plants, birds living on the island. Among them are the wild banteng (a type of bull tamed by the locals), the Balinese starling. The fate of the single remaining Balinese tiger killed by hunters in 1937 cannot be repeated.

Our great-grandchildren, subsequent generations, could enjoy the taste of the local drink Tuvak, extracted from the black palm tree. By the way, it is mined in an interesting way according to the customs that came from antiquity. To do this, cut off a bunch of black palm fruits, leaving the stalk. The liquid released from the tree flows down the bamboo stick, like our birch sap. The amount of alcohol in such a drink reaches 15%.

The park is the only park with National status. Its area is 190 km 2... Water spaces occupy 34 km 2... The territory of the park consists of plains, mountainous areas, savannah, rainforest, coral islands, coastal mangrove thickets. All species of animals and plants have the opportunity to develop in optimal natural conditions without the danger of destruction. Geographically, it includes the Prapat Agung Peninsula, the northwestern part of Bali. There are six settlements of different ethnic groups in the park area. included in the structure of Dzhembran, Buleleng. The small island of Menjangan, called a paradise for diving lovers, nestled on the outskirts of the peninsula, is part of the park.

For tourists, there is an opportunity to explore a small part of the National Reserve Park after meeting certain conditions and under the guidance of guides. You can get permission, familiarize yourself with the rules of hiking on the specified routes, and order a guide at the two official offices serving the National Park. One office is located in Chekik (near Gilimanuk). Another point is organized in the small village of Labuan Lalang near Pemuteran, from where the boat trip to Menjangan Island begins. It is allowed to stay in the park area only during the day. It is prohibited to spend the night or to trade on the territory of the National Park.


The rich world of plants and animals filling the park resembles a piece of a lost paradise on earth. A rare place on the planet where you can still find the Balinese starling, which is the symbol of the island and does not live anywhere else on our earth. A beautiful bird with a silky snow-white plumage, a tuft, and a black tip of a tail is hatched in captivity. Then they release it. There are about 30 families in nature. Talk to the ubiquitous monkeys, listen to the singing of unseen birds, such as the kingfisher, the sunbird, and the black eagle. Consider toothy crocodiles, hear the hissing of rare lizards and snakes.

Sit in the shade of amazing banana, coconut, sugar palms, along the branches, which are jumping giant squirrels. Watch rare mungtaki deer, leopard cats, ancient monitor lizards. After enjoying the sun, plunge into the mysterious water element to travel among the coral gardens, next to the amazing underwater kingdom. Small seahorses, important turtles, reef sharks, colorful fish swimming among 110 types of corals will be delighted to meet creatures in scuba gear, diving suit.

An amazing world hidden behind a green wall of plants, sparkling ocean water is complemented by a mysterious view of extinct volcanoes. During sunny weather, they are visible from anywhere in the park in the form of the high mountains of Patas, Merbuk. Now there are six active volcanoes breathing on the island. Not sure that they will not start throwing out fire-breathing lava, destroying the surroundings. By the way, there is no winter on the island. It is only hot or rainy here with an average annual temperature of about 26.

What to see

The most accessible, allowed for tourists, is the area of ​​the peninsula.

Prapat Agung. All hikes on foot are only with a guide. You need to know that there are no shops, cafes, souvenir shops on the route paths. Drinking water, everything you need must be prepared in advance. The following routes are considered the most popular:

  1. Tegal Blunder trail. The easiest route lasts 2 hours. The route begins in the village of Sumber. During the hike, get acquainted with the variety of birds on the island. If you're lucky, you can see touching courtship dances, relationships in bird families, talk to the macaw parrot, peacock, birds of paradise. On the way, you will be surprised by the abundance of all types of orchids, mysterious roots of mangroves.
  2. Gunung Klatakan trail. Starts at the same point as the first route. The hike continues through the tropical lowlands with an amazing flora, leads to Mount Klatakan at an altitude of 690 m above sea level. The duration of the hike is 5 hours. They don't climb the mountain. It is proposed to explore the surroundings from an organized observation deck
  3. Teluk Terim Trail. Goes along the Teluk River to the mountainous region of Ulu. For three hours, the famous black monkeys of the island will definitely come out to meet


The famous place of underwater travel of the Bali island is called Menjangan island, which is part of the park zone. The name of the island means deer among the Indonesians. You can get on it by boat going from the village of Labuan Lalans. It stretches along the northern part of Teluk Bay. First, the right to travel around the island is acquired. It is small in size. You can walk around the island in an hour. In addition to exciting underwater adventures with a mask, you can see the Puri Gili Kensan temple on it. By the way, there are a thousand magnificent architectural structures on the island.

Together with the extraordinary nature, their atmosphere helps to restore the inner harmony of a person, to defeat the bustle of large cities, to create conditions for a good rest. Arriving in the National Park, in addition to participating in hiking routes, sports activities on the water, it is proposed to visit the Gilimanuk Bay by boat.

How to get there

Ferries from Java Island regularly arrive at Gilimanuk. In the town of Chekik, travel by minibuses is organized. They drive to the office location in only 15 minutes. To the office of the village of Labukhan Lalang sail on a boat, leaving from Menjangan Island. The journey time is about 40 minutes. You can get to Gilimanuk by bus from Dnepsar. From the north side, the park is reached by the road along the coastline of the island from Lovin or Pemuteran.

Most often people come to the park by rented transport, scooters. The organization of National Parks among the interesting places of the planet is of great importance for future generations. This is the most expensive gift that humanity makes for posterity. Bali Barat Park is considered one of them. It is imperative to watch it when traveling to the island.

Barat National Park on the map


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